Monday 14 March 2016

Infusing patriotism need not be through slogans alone

14th March, 2016
Chennai, TN

A note:
Assaduddin Owaisi, the leader of the AIMIM party from the Andhra region said today that he will not say any slogans to hail mother India, at any cost. This was in reply to the call made by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat to urge the younger generation to chant such slogans to arouse patriotism.

It is natural for the RSS chief to chant slogans to hail mother India and this is a fact that many would acknowledge. But what we must also acknowledge is that Mr. Owaisi is free not to chant such slogans. One can be a patriot of India without chanting any slogans. Being a good citizen is epitome, for actions matter and not the words that we utter and soon forget. Reaffirming patriotism does not necessarily mean saying Bharat Mata ki Jai or similar slogans, although one may choose to say so if one prefers that. Mr. Owaisi is right when he says that the Constitution of India, which governs us all and treats all the Indians alike, does not require anyone to make such slogans.

However, it would be great if Mr. Owaisi could understand that it is natural for the RSS to chant such slogans and acknowledge that they are as free to chant what they want as he is free to not to (provided they are within the rule of law). The RSS is also working within the Constitution and the RSS chief’s comments were not an imposition or a diktat but a mere suggestion.

If Mr. Owaisi could, instead of rebutting to what Mr. Bhagawat said, propose a better way to infuse patriotism among the youth, without chanting slogans that have Hindu connotations such as Bharat Mata, Hind or Mataram, then I am sure that it would do a world of good to the Indians.

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